Asking for Change
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What others have said about Asking for Change
“Bob does a great job talking and teaching about the nuances of better communication with loved ones who have mental illness. I am trying to implement some of these in our lives. Such simple concepts as listening are not so simple to practice, but Bob knows that's one thing our loved ones really want, and it's important to have this level of communication to build rapport and relationship and show we care.”
“All NAMI resources have been a lifeline of help and hope for our family, this workshop was incredibly helpful. Thank you!”
“This was fantastic, and it really helped my husband and I get on the same page. Thank you!”
“Your workshop should be in every Human Resource program also. This is a wonderful tool for all aspects of our lives. Thank you again. Great job!”
“There’s a lot for me to learn from these teachings. As a communication coach working primarily with speakers, I have given lots of skills training, but missed this material and approach. This approach is totally in line with my leadership coaching approach, but due to my anxiety-packed emotional relationship with my "baby" sister, I ran out of ways to communicate with her.”
“Asking skillful questions to empower my loved one to understand themselves and find solutions for themselves! I want to be a guide, a trusted advisor! For so many years the question always in my mind is how I can best help!”
“Really enjoyable content, framework was extremely snackable.”
Asking For Change
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Please Note:
This website is not a replacement for professional diagnosis, medication, or therapy. The advice and coaching we provide is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be considered medical, legal or financial advice. We ask that you seek the advice of a licensed medical professional before making lifestyle changes or deciding upon the right treatment options for you, your child or another ill family member.